PRE-COLUMBIAN Jewelry at MET Museum

Going on with jewelry at MET museum this time I'll show you pics of some Pre-Columbian Jewelry!
Siguiendo con la joyería en el MET, este es el penúltimo post y es turno de mostrarles fotos de Joyería Precolombina!

I saw amazing funeral masks, nose ornaments, earrings, filigree pieces, etc. There were so many things and I had so little time that in the hurried pics I took I didn't take note of their origin! So I won't be able to tell you exactly the culture of origin for this pieces from Colombia, Peru, Costa Rica, etc; but they are precolumbian for sure!
Vi hermosas máscaras funerarias, ornamentos para la nariz, aretes, filigrana, etc. Había tantas cosas y tenía tan poco tiempo que en las apresuradas fotos que saqué no anoté su origen! así que no podré constatarles a que culturas pertenecían en Colombia, Peru, Costa Rica, etc. Lo que sí es seguro es que son Precolombinas!

The following pic is from Mexican ancient cultures, these little frogs (symbol of fertility for mixtec/aztecs) were made with the lost wax process, and they were possibly part of a necklace.
I also saw embossed plates, and stunning discs with stones precisely cut, representing their gods(?) and warriors (?).
La siguiente foto es de culturas mexicanas, estas ranitas (símbolo de fertilidad para los mixtecos/aztecas) fueron hechas con el método a la cera perdida, y posiblemente formaron parte de un collar.
También vi chapas repujadas e impresionantes discos con piedras cortadas habilmente representando sus dioses(?) o guerreros (?).

Watching all these beautiful pieces I fantasize that I may have a very distant ancestor who was a precolumbian metalsmith and now I'm continuing the business, hahaha why not?
Viendo todas estas lindas piezas fantaseo que tal vez tengo un muuuuuuy lejano ancestro que era joyero precolombino y que yo ahora sigo el oficio jajajaj, porque no?

Soon I'll be showing you the very last post about MET jewelry - it will be about ancient Europe. Until then!
En el próximo y último post del MET les mostraré fotos de la antigua Europa, hasta entonces!


  1. Wow..all those Precolumbian jewelries are exquisite! I likey...

  2. It's amazing how much they could do with how little they had. Think about all of the tools we have now and I still couldn't do some of these techniques. Beautiful!

  3. what a beautiful post. thanks so much for sharing!

    xo Alison


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